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Kun Peng received the five elements of the leaf, see here chaos aura filling, then in practice here a hundred years time, a hundred years later, Kun Peng began a treasure hunt, but then Kunpeng never found a decent spiritual roots, while the gourd vines more is not seen, but Kunpeng very unwilling, but also continue to ill-Hill looking up, but the ill-Hill 80# Jerry Rice jersey come and go for several laps, or did not find, since the foot of the mountain without that 10# Robert Griffin III jersey on the hill, although nine Plough wind + No spiritual roots, but the following, or is it possible.

This day Kunpeng are looking for,http://www.lagunabaypublishing.com/images-kidsinc/SanFrancisco49ers.php, there are three strands before felt atmosphere,http://freshbrewedcode.com/wildcard/index.php, these three ethereal and elegant atmosphere, but yet stable introverted, feel these three breath, know that they may encounter Kunpeng three Dao people, and in this ill-Hill only three Dao 's breath can have such weather. Kun Peng felt in three clear when, three clear also felt the roc. Kunpeng to see the front three Taoist, a gray-haired man, Maoruo elderly, column a flat turn. A man looking serious, Maoruo middle, holding Ruyi.

Pindao Kunpeng, passing ill-Hill, Treasure Seeing many places, they find something in this, but did not want to see the three of his fellow, really fortunate. Daoyou kind, Pindao I, and point to that middle-aged and said: This is my younger brother Yuanshi, but also pointing to the young man and said: This is my third brother, heavens, I was born in this trio from ill-Hill, has not been there are other fellow to come here, to see the other fellow is my fortune. Yuanshi and Babel Road : Exactly. It turned out that three Dao people in the Pangu incarnation of all things, by the dawn 's soul three flowers metaplasia three clear air, to this ill-Hill until Heaven stand out of shape, three- person transmission of the Washington Redskins jersey Pangu Xuan Qing gas part, I too clear air, yuan may only Yuqing gas, gas supernatant was Babel, http://freshbrewedcode.com/wildcard/index.php trio taking advantage of ill-Hill chaos Aura is still abundant, and spiritual roots of many, a lot of magic, then in this practice magic, looking magic.

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