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See Xiaohan An Jingjing 's still lying in bed with eyes closed, thinking that the children sleep and did not wake up Shen, Tang Yun touched the side of the little girl 's head, said, obediently sleep, and tomorrow we go to see Tiananmen it ! Little girl promised, aunt christian louboutin shoes also go to sleep ! Well, remember turn off the lights ! Tang Yun said loudly, readily pull the door. Back to the house of their own land. Buzzing in his head still roaring, but this time from panic Xiao Han has gradually calmed down, but some think clearly - myself that it is reborn.

Girl climbed on the bed, pushed Xiao Han, Xiao Han also see with closed eyes do not move. Grumbles and pushed a few times, his mouth Kengchi with, Well, slept so dead ! Xiao Han Prefer not to say at this time do not want to move, from fragments of memory troubles. christian louboutin sale Still do not know how to face. Is late at night, the little girl did not take long barely. Lay down and pulled him to thin quilts cover Xiao Han, soon fell asleep, a small soft body tightly close Xiao Han, very attached to feel. Little girl asleep for a long time, Xiao Han also gradually sort out thoughts, the lights in the room did not turn off, Xiao Han carefully over the side and looked at sleep in her little girl.

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