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Zan also intends to look down from the outset, Kou Shao real opportunity to infantry and Kou Shao determine the winner. Zan first launched the offensive. Kenjiro who to ~ Kill meritorious today to the Zan horse lance dance, 30,000 infantry, 2,000 cavalry at the same time, the Kou Shao launched a full attack. Cries, war drums, horses Changsi riding to the sound suddenly resounded through the wilderness. Overcome Chi tods handbags the same www.squawkfox.comiconsjordan.html jordan basketball shoes mnw345! Connaught ~ With the centurion gave the order, the Marines were to shoot straight knelt on the ground NIKE, raised his spear oblique intensive guns instantly form a tight-knit gun array, ready engaged from the front impact.

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Test-fired to the crossbowman Centurion waved his saber. The Connaught Now a crossbowman crossbow vector,todds, and then come up with a colorful give crossbow shooting. Sou ~ ~ ~ Poof. Crossbow arrows fell to a distance of about the Zan soldiers in front of five steps. Crossbow vector accurate full fall into the Zan military array, the moment blood flowers scattered, Xue Wu somersault Arrow kick down the countless people. However, aggressive and rely Yong Zan army would not budge, the position of the deceased immediately that those who make up the army is still in neat formation Kou Shao-jun close.

